July 2021 – The inaugural Chief Race & Equity Officer for the City of San Diego has been appointed.  After an extensive national executive search conducted by The Hawkins Company, San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria has named Kim Desmond as the Chief Race & Equity Officer. 

Ms. Desmond, currently the Chief Equity Officer for the City and County of Denver is slated to begin in her position on August 3rd.  Created from a proposal from Councilwoman Monica Montgomery Steppe, the Race & Equity Office is charged with providing education, technical support and subject matter expertise in equity with a goal of reducing and eliminating policies rooted in systemic racism.  Upon taking office in November, Mayor Gloria made filling the position one of the priorities of his administration.  Mayor Gloria said, “For too long, the decisions and policies coming out of City Hall have not served all of us.  Equity is about making sure everyone has the opportunity to thrive.”

Ms. Desmond was selected from an extremely competitive candidate pool. Her expertise, innovation, and track record of success enabled her to be chosen as the final candidate.  Councilwoman Montgomery Steppe is looking forward to collaborating with Ms. Desmond, stating, “Her experience, expertise, transparency and bold leadership will help assist in our city’s efforts to implement sweeping systemic changes in pursuit of racial, social and economic justice.  My office looks forward to partnering with Kim Desmond.”

The Hawkins Company is extremely excited for Ms. Desmond to take on the role and her words sum up the importance of this position for the City of San Diego.  Ms. Desmond said, “A focus on race and equity is an investment for all of us.” The Hawkins Company would like to extend a hearty congratulations to both Ms. Desmond and the City of San Diego!