As an addition to our successful Executive Search services, The Hawkins Company offers personal and professional development coaching services to executives in the public and private sectors. Our goal is to help prepare executives for “transitioning” into their new position or prepare executives to enhance their performance in their current position. In addition, we “stretch” their thinking and skills in anticipation of promotional opportunities. The focus of coaching is on asking the questions that will allow the executive to discover the most appropriate behavior and/or course of action. Tools such as Myers-Briggs, DISC and 360° Feedback will be used as appropriate. A key to our success is our ability to garner the trust of our coaching client and provide a professional service. Over the years we have found that coaching improves the executive’s overall performance.
The International Coach Federation has identified four reasons why you may want to hire a professional coach:
• Increased productivity (improved work performance, business management, time management and team effectiveness).
• Positive people (improved self-confidence, relationships, communication skills and work/life balance).
• Return on investment (individuals and companies make back at least their investment).
• Satisfied clients (with the overall experience and would repeat the process).
Our success is attributed to our ability to assist the client in/by:
• Identifying and eliminating the “clutter” (making room for the coaching experience).
• Examining who they are now and who they want to be both personally and professionally.
• Setting SMART goals and objectives and developing strategies for accomplishing them.
• Providing a level of accountability in implementing the strategies.
• “Stretching” them, through a process of continuous improvement.
If you are interested in discussing your coaching options and/or programs, contact:
gwen@thehawkinscompany.com or bill@thehawkinscompany.com
For a sample of our coaching agreement right click on this link and select “save link as.”
For almost three-decades, The Hawkins Company has been a leader in providing talent management and acquisition services to public and private organizations to ensure the recruitment, retention and advancement of highly effective senior executives.